Client Case Example #1

Privately-held, $40M contract-based healthcare staffing business interested in exploring a valuable exit. The Owner of an existing client expressed a desire to explore the option of selling the business, but was unaware of how to proceed.

Client Case Example #2

Privately owned, $20M healthcare staffing business had lost its line of credit with their bank and had entered into an expensive but convenient factoring relationship. The factoring contract was nearing maturity and the Owner hired one of our CFOs to evaluate strategic financing options for the business in light of the fact that he was planning significant growth within the two year planning horizon.

Client Case Example #3

Privately held energy services business owned by a small private equity firm and the management team. The owners decided to create a larger platform for growth in the always robust energy services sector. The current company was stable and generating respectable revenue but with little year-over-year growth. The private equity investor was anxious to exit the company and felt the best approach was to grow the business through acquisitions and embark on a more rapid pace of growth thereby enhancing appeal to other investors.

Client Case Example #4

Privately held, second generation, value-added distribution business generating $5M in revenue and an annual net loss of $300K. The business had literally burned to the ground. Customers, vendors and employees remained uncharacteristically loyal through a three year rebuilding process. To the extent that insurance proceeds had fallen short of full recovery, the business leveraged vendor relationships and payment terms to fuel working capital needs. Vendors were applying significant pressure. Cash flow was extremely tight.